Thursday 31 October 2013

Top four pumpkin recipes

We all like to carve pumpkins with our kids, but how many of us use the flesh and seeds too?
Here are the top four pumpkin recipes for all your family to enjoy, our boys particularly loved the pizza!

1. Pumpkin and Swiss chard risotto
Roast the pumpkin at 200C for 40 minutes after tossing it with olive oil, sea salt and cracked pepper. Soften the onion and garlic with oil
over a low heat. Add rice and stir. Add stock and stir until absorbed, repeat until rice is cooked. Stir in pumpkin and Parmesan. Serve with extra Parmesan - enjoy!

2. Roast pumpkin and rocket salad, with macadamia nuts and a balsamic glaze
Roast the pumpkin as before. Toss the salad leaves in lemon juice and olive oil, and season lightly. Stir the roast pumpkin through, scatter light roasted macadamia nuts over. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar.

3. Roast pumpkin and chorizo pitta pizza
The kids will love them!
Heat the oven to 200C and put a baking tray inside to heat up. Spread each pitta with tomato purée, fresh tomatoes, chorizo and diced pumpkin. The possibilities are endless here - add whatever you like! We topped ours with mozzarella,but you can use any cheese. Bake for 10 minutes, scatter with basil, and serve.

4. Chill and lime pumpkin seeds.
Our household favourite, these go down a treat at pretty much every occasion, I guarantee that you will have none left!
Seperate the seeds from the flesh and pat dry with kitchen towel.
Mix with oil, paprika, chilli powder, cayenne and salt, the proportions are up to you! Mix the seeds through to coat and roast in very hot oven for about 10 minutes, stirring midway through. Tip into a bowl and squeeze over fresh lime juice. Mix and get stuck in!

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