Monday 21 May 2012

Non food related - Space photography

For a long time now I have had a keen interest in photography, normally I like to shoot landscapes, my family and food. Recently I have turned my camera to the stars with mixed results. The image you see above is the culmination of an evening figuring out the best settings on my camera and a long conversation with my brother Simon (who is a graphic designer) over the phone. I wanted to create the effect of the moon coming out of the darkness then to become very bright, then back into the darkness.The easiest way to do this was to change the shutter speed and 'f' setting on my camera (Nikon D70). Eventually I figured out the settings I was happiest with, set the camera up on the tripod and started with the moon in the top left of the frame. I took a picture every 6 minutes until the moon moved out of view. After getting 6 pictures I was happy with it was time to edit them and get them looking the same. Then onto photo shop, which I thought would be self explanatory and relatively easy to use, not so much! Luckily my brother came to the rescue with his knowledge of photo shop. It wasn't easy being directed on the phone but after an hour or so we got there! Sadly when there was a chance to take pictures of the moon at it's closest to earth the great British weather as usual had other plans. Fortunately there always seems to be some sort of celestial event on a weekly basis, so fingers crossed. My next project is to try and capture the International Space Station as it tracks across our skies, watch this space (no pun intended)!  

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