Sunday 5 August 2012

Non food related - Surf photography

John John Florence, Hossegor
I've always had a thing for surfing, it used to be one of my main hobbies. A few years ago my wife (she was my girlfriend back then!) and I went on a camping holiday to the surf mecca that is the southwest coast of France. Two weeks of sand, sea, surf, wine and great food was great but after surfing everyday my body decided it needed a break. I've always admired surf photography in magazines so I thought I'd give it ago. Luckily for me there was an international competition on and the surf was pumping! The photo above is John John Florence (so good they named him twice!) who went on to win the competition and is now a big player on the world tour and future champion.

The surf got a bit bigger!

I submitted a few of my shorts to a surf website called Magic Seaweed and would you believe it they made one of them their 'photo of the day'! Here's the link:

A couple of weeks ago my wife and I decided to brave our first camping trip with our two boys. On the beach I noticed a few mini waves were starting to break quite nicely over a sandbar. So I grabbed the camera waded out, got the camera down low and clicked away. Here's some of the better ones, great surf for ants!
Crystal clear water on the Dorset coast

Wall of water with steps!

Foamy barrel

One of the bigger ones

Triple overhead for ants!

I managed to take the pictures above without a water housing which was a bit risky but worth it I think.
Thanks for taking the time to have a look.....

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